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Still looking for myself............

Monday 7 May 2012


I will remind myself
that I am worthy to be loved
I'll remember
that I let go of
the old baggage I carried around
and in exchange I have found
what it feels to be free
Today, I found me.

I will remind myself
to ultimately seize the day
I'll remember
to never waste away
keys will be cut and chained
to doors once locked and framed
opportunities greeted with a smile
an upbeat step, I walk this mile

I will remind myself
to live with no regrets
I'll remember
there are no safe bets
I'm all in, or not at all
no matter what, I'll face it all
my future shines and warms my face
this is my life, there is no fate

I embrace the seeds I have sewn
I weed out what threatens
and tend to my own
this is my life
this is my way
this is my future
this is my Today

Written by
Elizabeth Taylor
May 8, 2012

Thursday 15 March 2012

The Phoenix

You cannot hold me down, 

or convince me that I can't fly, 

I am not a beast of burden, 

there are no limits in the sky. 

I'm not a boar who wallows, 

a glutton for one's own sorrow, 

I thrive on the fact of knowing, 

that the sun will rise tomorrow. 

and like the sun, I'll also shine, 

and darkness will disappear. 

Out of the ashes I will rise, 

a Phoenix with no fear. 

You'll cast your eyes above, 

your eyes full of wonder, 

yet I won't let you judge me, 

or tear my name asunder, 

for what you are unaware, 

is that the stones you've thrown at me, 

is what has pushed me here. 

And for what your ignorance has done, 

those malicious sticks and stones, 

that were meant to break my bones, 

will only weigh you down. 

So now you can watch me fly, 

now you can watch me soar, 

I am the blazing Phoenix, 

burning those self prison bound..... 

Written by, 
Elizabeth Taylor 

Feb, 2012