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Still looking for myself............

Thursday 31 March 2011

Black Swan

I am captured in this moment
frozen inside out
I wanted to be perfect
not to be choked by endless doubt
I loved you deeply
but you wore it out

You said you loved me
my innocence was pure
but you were always searching
I was not the perfect girl
I was under your spell
I was captured in your world

Will I drag my blade
across this moonlit lake?
No it's my turn, yes it's my turn
I lost my innocence 
and my secrets in this lake
Now my passion burns, yes it does burn

This Swan is white by day
and black by night
I am unaware
of what is wrong or right
I am unaware
of what went wrong
Where is the sweet, sweet girl?
yeah, she is gone.......

I am the Black Swan
gazing at the moon
feeding on your black pearls
I trusted you, no one else but you
I need a deeper love
to break this spell
I need a love to fly
to fly away from hell

Will I drag my blade
across this moonlit lake
No, it\s my turn, yes it's my turn
I lost my innocence
and my secrets in this lake
Now my passion burns, yes it does burn

This Swan is white by day
and black by night
I am unaware
of what is wrong or right
I am unaware 
of what went wrong
Where is that sweet, sweet girl?
yeah, she is gone.....
Where has she gone?............

Elizabeth Taylor

March 31/2011
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Monday 21 March 2011

Weather the Storm

With the dawning of the day
brings the morning dew
I open my wings, I try new things
at times they remind me of you
As with the sun, then comes noon
and white clouds fill the sky
indigo patterns are revealed
my contours, diversify
navigating towards the light
instinct to bolder pettles
yet not to linger on any one
avoiding the stinging nettles
and for an instant, I will graze
 nectars, to merely survive
then bound again, for celestial space
when I'm soaring, I'm alive
Yet when it rains, it often pours
the static can cause you to drown
dodging drops of fear and pain
determined I won't go down
The roar of the thunder won't scare me
and the lightning just leads the way
and when the kamikaze tears fall down
with a mission, come what may
I will survive, yet once again
the fire of life within
'for in the foothills, I seek to hide
from storms that hurry in 
Why do I focus on the moon
when predators lurk in wait?
Attracted to my prideful colors
My patterns make easy bait.
The sun won't let me hide
with no shadows to alter my worth
revealing my truly given colors
since the day of my rebirth
This time is most significant
my growth and transformation
to emerge from a chrysalis
to ascend from degradation
My freedom won't be assumed
 nor a aphid in a jar
a spectacle to be pleasing others
I'm a gentle warrior......... 

Elizabeth Taylor
March 20/11
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Saturday 12 March 2011


How could I be so blind?
I felt protected from the world,
but you were the biggest monster
with a death wish for a little girl.
You fooled no one but me;
a chameleon of black and blue,
with a serpents hypnotic eyes
and its tongue never true.
I was sent to you by God;
an angel straight from heaven.
To give you all my love,
not to be struck by your venom.
Like Eve in the garden,
I trusted you with my soul.
It was the biggest mistake I made;
you turned my heart into coal.
Now I have to live a curse
of the memories alone.
How could you be so cruel?
I loved you and no other one.
I lay awake at night;
I admit it's hard to sleep.
I cry sometimes for hours
for the promises you didn't keep.
You are wicked in your ways
and slither to and fro,
searching for innocent angels,
who are too naive to know.
God alone truly knows why,
He placed the love in my heart,
for you never deserved it;
you only tore it all apart.
But with each passing day,
I let a little more of you go,
it hurts a little less
and the pain doesn't show.
There will be hell to pay,
you've fallen far from grace,
but I won't be the one
who slaps you in the face.
"Vengeance is mine" says the Lord,
so I put it in His hands,
I take delight in knowing
Justice is in Demand!

Elizabeth Taylor
Jan 5/11
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Friday 11 March 2011


Who do you see when you look at this mask?
Do you see past the colors, the facade I portray?
Who will it be, 'for I consist of three?
A face full of innocense? A face full of lust?
A face with faded bruising?
Who do you see? Do you see we three?
The me, myself, and I?
A friend for every occasion,
a friend to everyone?
My reflection creates wonder and fear inside 
If I stare too long I will be lost
I dare not look into my eyes
'for I won't like what I see
the pain of the past, of never being free
Who do you see as I put on this mask?
Do you notice how it's fading
and needing of repair?
or are you captured by it's stylish smile?
Yet all the while
Who do you see?
Do you see me?

Elizabeth Taylor
December, 2009
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He is a mystery
an enigma yet discovered
he is a calmness
his silence not recovered
He is solid and yet moves me
his eyes piercing through me
he is power under covers

What makes him still stand alone?
a tower proudly rooted
and why won't he waiver?
when I touched him he refuted
he has power running through his hands
he speaks softly when he gives commands
a Master, a lover, and undisputed

How can a rock be tender?
how can a flame be cold?
why am I at his will to reign
and do what I am told?
He is an island all alone
he is unclaimed and left unknown
his nature predisposed

He preceeds my every thought 
my fantasies now revealed
a cobolt flame, an ember touch
burning through what once was sealed
but his lips will never graze me
and his heart will never save me
I am only left to kneel

Elizabeth Taylor

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Don`t look into my eyes
That is where my secrets hide
Like the desolate arctic winds abide
Frozen in this moment of time
Deep in the isolation
Unable to look back where I came from
And face the degradation
Do this but don`t do that
Don`t kiss him
And don`t get fat
No one to trust, no one to understand
Who I ought to be
I don`t belong
I want to be loved for who I am
To be accepted, not get lost in the crowd
Yet not the centre of ridicule
To hold up my head and be proud
I shut my eyes where my secrets hide
And play the part you deem
And like the desolate arctic winds
I silently …………scream

Elizabeth Taylor
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Who can fill the deepest rivers of my soul
and quench my desert heart
aquatic sounds surround me
and drench me with your love
when you are near 
the rain pours 
immersing me
nearly drowning in your love
I am am filled
I am loved
my heart erupts with your kiss
electricity surrounding, lightning fills the sky
your touch creates a storm in me
yet comforts me all the while
the confusion is addictive
I crave it all the time
like the most delicate of flowers
you nurture and tend to me
careful to protect and display me
proud of the joy you bring
creating colors so bold
Everyone can see
you are the rain, the storm within my soul
my roots will always seek you
only you can quench this thirst
and if I were to lose you
I would surely                                                 
and die                                           

Elizabeth Taylor
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The Knight

He is a man of valor
a noble one indeed
a man of great caliber
and living by a creed

he travels across the oceans
protecting those around
touching lives of the innocent
his memory resounds

A warrior and a chieftain
overcoming his enemies
he battles on and on
showing great integrity

His heart is always faithful
and passion it does burn
leading to his mistress
awaiting his return

a damsel young and fair
by the window she does wait
praying for her lover
her devotion is innate

she gazes at the moon
for moon they do share
forever hearts united
but only if she stares

alas he returns
met with a warm embrace
a kiss to seal their hearts
his hands upon her face

the maidens knees do quiver
the knight his shield does fall
how does a epic hero
surrender to one so small

a sight to behold
he looks into her eyes
forever now united
forever will abide

Elizabeth Taylor
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Your embrace still lingers on my skin
Your caress remains embedded 
upon my heart
I can still feel you near
Your scent still fills my soul
Your whispers linger in my ear
My tears wet this page
The salt stings my obvious wounds
I won’t let you see my face
but how I am a fool and turn from you loving embrace
Like a flower full of thorns I protect my delicate side
I am ashamed and I cry
You can’t get past my barrier
I won’t look you in the eye
You are the sun and I am the moon
Who is to blame
Like two ships passing in the night
Our timing just not the same
You say I can make you fly
When you’re with me you soar
Love lifting you to heaven
where you’ve never been before
how I love the warming of the suns rays
scattering winters shadows
when spring comes a daunting
I can barely breathe
when you tell me that you love me
it overwhelms my sleeping mind
cause when you touch me
I fall to pieces every time
what am I to do for I am the moon
I alone eclipse in my shame
and you are the sun
the one who deserves acclaim
but when dawn greets us with a kiss
horizons joining our separate worlds
now no longer in just black and white
crimson aurora for you are the day
and velvet cobalt for I am the night

  Elizabeth Taylor
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