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Still looking for myself............

Friday 11 March 2011


He is a mystery
an enigma yet discovered
he is a calmness
his silence not recovered
He is solid and yet moves me
his eyes piercing through me
he is power under covers

What makes him still stand alone?
a tower proudly rooted
and why won't he waiver?
when I touched him he refuted
he has power running through his hands
he speaks softly when he gives commands
a Master, a lover, and undisputed

How can a rock be tender?
how can a flame be cold?
why am I at his will to reign
and do what I am told?
He is an island all alone
he is unclaimed and left unknown
his nature predisposed

He preceeds my every thought 
my fantasies now revealed
a cobolt flame, an ember touch
burning through what once was sealed
but his lips will never graze me
and his heart will never save me
I am only left to kneel

Elizabeth Taylor

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